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I want to be a venue for Repair Kopitiam. What should I do?

To host repair kopitiam, you will need to be able to provide the following:

  1. A venue to host repair sessions for the public
  2. A venue to conduct repair lessons and practice sessions weekly.
  3. All lessons and events are conducted on Sundays.
  4. Provide approximately 2m3 (2 metal document cabinet of space) for storage of tools, equipment, spares and training aids.
  5. Finance for initial investment cost of seeding coaches, assets and operation for 1 year.

Please write to [email protected] title as Venue Organiser Enquiry. Please leave your contact number for easy communication.

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Climate Adaptation Lab

#03-02 Pines Industrial Building,

240 Macpherson Road, Singapore 348574

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